Thursday, March 10, 2022

Week 1 - MBA 6102 - Google Ads

For week 1 of my quest to better understand social media market, I have decided to begin with creating a Google Ads account. First I chose to do some research to really understand what Google Ads are. It became very clear right away that GoogleAds was more than I previously imagined. As seen in in the introduction from CASAmarketing, GoogleAds is a large part of Google. It is not just a side-hustle Google made in order to make some extra cash. Rather, Google made an extremely successful way of advertising that allows data tracking for the company.

You might have noticed in recent times any Google search you make comes with a list of advertisements. I  for one, tend to scroll through until I reach a page that is not an advertisement. For many, that is probably not the case. Google makes these advertisements so readily available as they are being paid by these companies to advertise their products. Convenient for the consumer and the seller, and of course Google makes money. The Companies are able to track their clicks and see how appealing their products are, which can help the company make further advertisement decisions. 

We all know Google is a smart company, and that is evident in their idea to make their advertisements on a "cost per click" basis. This means the more people click on products the more those companies will pay google. Typically a company will set a budget for their advertisement and see how many items of their product or service they sell during the advertising period. A major reason to use GoogleAds even if it is a pay per click, is that Google has optimized their advertising service to make their ads relevant. Their Ads also track where each ad sends the customer. When creating your Ad you are able to add keywords. If your product is relevant to someone that searches your keyword, there is a good chance they will at least view your web page for more information. More clicks equals greater opportunity to sell, and that is why many companies choose to use Google to advertise.

Here is the data from the Google Ad campaign I created in MBA 6101, sadly the campaign was cut short with a technical issue saying there were no payments made. Several students experienced the same issue. Hopefully, that will not be the case if an Ad campaign is created in this class.

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