Sunday, March 27, 2022

Week 3 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Social Media Marketing

 Chapter 2 of Introduction to Social Media Marketing is encouraging of the reader diving in to their own social media endeavors. One section speaks about making a blog through blogger, which is a requirement of this class, so I should have that skill down. That being said, I have created blogs for other classes in the past and I highly recommend anyone doing the same. A blog allows for a great amount of creativity as no specific questions need to be answered, the blogger can just speak their mind.

One new learning from the chapter for me is how to change the template of the blog. I kid you not, I spent over 30 minutes looking for a way to change the appearance of my blog once it was created, however, I was unsuccessful. At the endow the blog you will get to see my decision of a template. Another idea mentioned in the chapter is to create a website. The major difference between a blog and a website should be the frequency each needs to be updated. A blog has new information rather often, while a website will likely keep similar information that is vital to the customers relationship with the company. The chapter suggests that to start you create a free website through Google Sites. This is an exercise I have already completed, so I decided to continue on with my previously created site. From my past experiences, even with no idea what I was doing, Google Sites was very easy to use and turned out looking very professional. Absolutely recommended by this blog!

The chapter moves on to talking about creating a video. I totally agree with the book that it might be a good idea to hire a real film crew for commercials and such, but you can easily make a video on your own. Personally, I enjoy watching non-professionally filmed videos as they don’t hide some things. For example, I love to explore videos about places I might eat in the near future. That being said, I would much rather watch an honest homemade review of the food than a professional commercial talking about how great the food is. I also know that Iphones and Ipads do a good job filming. My golf coach, ranked in the top 100 teachers in America, runs his own company and has created an app with over 200 videos all filmed on an Ipad. Filming your own videos can be extremely useful, especially in a small business. 


Everything I want to do in life would be related to a small business, or myself being the business. As a result, these are all very good exercises for me. If I want to appear professional, it is important to do a good job with blogging, creating a website, and creating videos. Today, videos have really taken off on different platforms such as Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram meaning this skill has become extremely important.

As previously mentioned here is my journey to finding a Blog template...

At first I really liked the aesthetic of a template which ended up not working with my blog.

Obviously the picture made no sense, I believed I could change that and make it work. The real problem was the size of images.

The "Soho" template had large pictures which would become blurry and look unprofessional. That being said my blog is more meant for information, not large pretty pictures. I then stumbled upon another template labeled "Picture Window Screen". Again the images were a problem at first.

Luckily I was able to change the layout and fix this problem....

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

  The seventh chapter of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords talks about Ad extensions. An ad extension is an external link...