Saturday, March 19, 2022

Week 2 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

 Chapter 1 of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing an Adwords begins by introducing the process of creating an ad in google. When creating an ad you are allowed a headline, a description, and a display URL. Each of these has a limit on the number of characters available as to keep the ad clean. The chapter gives some helpful suggestions on how to not go over the word limit, mostly by using choice words to combine two words. The display url is also condensed down to a cleaner format, but the ad would be linked to the entire url. The word limit seems very effective in helping unexperienced advertisers as it eliminates the possibility of cluttering the ad. 

The chapter moves on to the next step in creating an ad, picking keywords. These words are what can link google searches to your ad. This means determining relevant keywords can have a major impact on your ad's performance. One interesting finding in the chapter, is the ability to bid on key words. As a result, the more a company bids on a key word the more their ad will pop up before any one else who bid less on that word.

Another highly desirable aspect of Adwords is its ability to track data. There is plenty of feed back to see how many people have clicked on the ad which can then be compared to company sales to see the success of your ad. This helps a company decide how much money they want to invest in to their advertisements. Furthermore, there is feedback on the keywords chosen through a quality score. This is done by Google analyzing where ads are sending the web surfer and whether or not the content matches the key word. Google also can give an idea of which page your keyword will show up based off how many other pages use those key words. This allows you to be more specific or less specific when choosing keywords in hopes of increasing clicks. There are ways to increase clicks with out paying money through organic search results, however, this is much more difficult. As a result, a company who is serious about advertisement would be wise to spend money in order to make money.

In beginning looking in to making a Google Ad account, I looked further at the process of creating an Ad. One thing I had not known about Google Ads was there are 4 different types of advertisement depending on what you are looking for. Google ads has a way to increase calls, sales, visits, or views. This allows Google Ads to advertise for many different types of companies. With these four options I have more to think about in which type of website or YouTube video I would like to begin a campaign for.

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

  The seventh chapter of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords talks about Ad extensions. An ad extension is an external link...