Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Week 1 - MBA 6102 - Introduction


 Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog on social media marketing. My name is Cameron Hedge, I am currently a graduate student at Benedictine University working towards earning a masters in business administration. I graduated from Benedictine University at Mesa with an accounting degree in the spring of 2021. Prior to the Covid outbreak of 2019, I had never planned on pursuing any post graduate schooling. That being said, the opportunity to complete my athletic eligibility while beginning a masters degree arose and here I am.


I currently do not have a marketing related job, yet I do plan on one day running several of my own businesses. I have two major passions one being golf, the other cooking. I would love to teach golf in the future, a profession in which your possible wages are closely tied with your ability to market yourself. The more people know about your teachings, the more possible clients you have. Furthermore, you can charge more per hour. Once I have made enough money I would also like to open my own small restaurant which would require some marketing expertise as well. Rather than outsourcing the marketing for either of these I plan on being able to do my own marketing.

In order to learn more about marketing, I plan on reading Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords: A Guide For Absolute Beginners and Introduction to Social Media Marketing in my quest towards bettering my skills in social media marketing. Over the next eight weeks I will be posting regularly with information I have learned in these readings, as well as other course materials. I look forward to sharing with you all!

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

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