Sunday, April 10, 2022

Week 5 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Social Media Marketing

 Well, if you last week’s blog you might have learned that Facebook is still a thing. If Facebook is of no interest to you, it should be. Maybe your and everyone else’s parents will see your ads on their Facebook wall one day. If you hadn’t guessed yet, Chapter 4 of Introduction to Social Media Marketing focuses on Facebooks Ads. While Facebook Ads can be used for any ad you might want, many people choose to advertise their Facebook Pages through Facebook Ads. Makes sense, right? The reason this is a good idea would be to grow your social media presence especially as a small business this is important. The chapter, however, mentions a trend towards Facebook Ads taking clicks to external company websites more similar to the ads seen on other social media platforms. Thus, you have the ability for both social media marketing and traditional marketing. 

For my particular business, having both options are very useful. In this day in age, golf teachers are all trying to build their social media presence. The ability to display quick tips or short videos could interest potential clients. Social media is also becoming a place to name drop your successful clients through videos or tagging the client with their scores and so on. This just helps build your credibility and can set you apart from your competitors. A golf coach is an interesting profession in the fact that the only way to set you apart from the competition besides your rates, is your ability to make someone better at golf, thus a social media presence through something like Facebook is extremely important. The more likes you get on posts; the more people will know about your work and reach out to you. For a different company, such as a restaurant, it might make sense to use your Facebook ad in the traditional marketing form. Most people clicking on a restaurant ad would likely want to look at the menu or reservation times which would be found on the website.

Here is an example of my golf coach's Facebook page. For him, it would make more sense to have Facebook ads which take the click to his Facebook page. The reason for this being, you immediately can see videos of his coaching which he has posted on the page. This is some information I can pass along to him and maybe help with his business.

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

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