Sunday, April 10, 2022

Week 5 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

 Chapter 4 of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords takes place once the ad campaign has been created and is in progress. The most efficient way to monitor your campaign is to have a set number of days or weeks between checking your campaign results. If you build a consistent time in your schedule, it should be easy to take full advantage of Google Ads. Progress reports can be fully customized to the time period you would like, so it would make sense for your time frame to be the same as the days between each time you check the campaign. That being said, it is also nice to have the option to view other weeks, months or years to see how the ads are trending. Say one day I receive 10 calls about golf lessons, I could go back to a specific time to see if there is any correlation between new clients and the ad campaign. 

The chapter moves on to explain what all the data means. The click through rate for example can be used to see how effective the ad actually is for the people seeing the ad. It is great if people are looking at your ad, it is even better if they are actually interacting with your ad. A low click through rate might indicate your ad needs to be displayed in a different area or using different key words. The best way to boost your click through rate would be to optimize your keywords for searches that might actually be interested in your business. This is easy to do in google ads, as you are able to view how key words rank based off their clicks and click through rate. Keep in mind, the highest click through rate key word will not always be the key word generating the most clicks. Clicks might be good enough to get your business name out there and some people might search your website rather than click on the ad. Not all keywords will work as well as planned and it might be worth removing less successful keywords to find other possibilities. 

Google's support page even has ideas for how to boost your CTR or click through rate.....

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

  The seventh chapter of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords talks about Ad extensions. An ad extension is an external link...