Sunday, April 3, 2022

Week 4 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

 Chapter 3 of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords covers the launching of your campaign. It is important when choosing your headline and brief description that will pop up on Google, you need to stand out. It might be wise to include whatever it is that sets your business apart from competitors in the description for more clicks. If your product or service is cheaper than the competition you might want to list that your company can be used on a budget or your company is low cost. 


When I search for flights out of the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, there are immediately Ads for several companies who try to find the cheapest flights possible. The first Ad is from which is a very popular service. The second headline here is unique compared to the others, as it has an option for last minute flights. Anyone booking a last-minute flight will probably check here before the other listed companies. The next company listed is named which is much less heard of. In their description they list their “impressive chap flights on 500+ airlines” and mention their “deeply discounted” options. Someone who would fly on any airline might like this advertisement as they might believe they could find a steal on a less popular airline. The third ad for focuses instead on their reliability with customers in the description. Each company finds something unique to try and set themselves apart from the competition as you should in your ads. You are given a headline 1, headline 2, and description with a total of 140 characters, so it is important to make them

One interesting point brought up in the chapter is that when choosing keywords, it is important to “keep in mind that live humans aren’t the only ones doing this” (Kelsey, 2017, p.45). Google gives a quality score based on relevance of your website to the keywords customers are entering. The more relevant your ad is, the closer to the top of the page it will be and the more likely you are to earn clicks. This makes it important to not throw in a bunch of random keywords to somehow appeal to someone looking for something not even related to your product. Back to my google search for flights out of Sky Harbor airport, I was immediately given results for companies that offer the cheapest flights. Many people that are not looking for a deal would most likely go straight to the website of their preferred airline and search flights that way. If I had to guess, a company like Priceline most likely has keywords related to any sort of searching for flights, popular airport names, and cheap flights. Since I looked up flights out of Sky Harbor, I would assume these were both keywords for Priceline

The nice thing is based off your website Google will suggest some keywords, which would be wise to use as they might be high in relevance and quality score. As mentioned in the chapter however, you should also create your own keywords to appeal to people the generated keywords might miss. A very helpful part of Google ads is the ability to see how each individual keyword performs. Not only that, you can see where a key word would end up and what you would need to bid in order to move pages.

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Week 8 - MBA 6102 - Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords

  The seventh chapter of Introduction to Search Engine Marketing and Adwords talks about Ad extensions. An ad extension is an external link...